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LOT Polish Airlines Reviews

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All reviews about LOT Polish Airlines

14 May 2024 12:05:00 Malwina

The website and the app are dreadfull. Some functionalities doesn't work and that's it.

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11 May 2024 12:05:00 Adan Said

1 star is too much for this company!
All the flights are delaying, the lauggage are also delaying!
A lot of people waiting and complainig!
We miss our connection flight because the first flight delayed 5 hours!!!
The staff are so rude, they offer solutions for the next 24 hour or 2 days to wait for a flight!!
And they rudely say "that's what we have, you can take your passport and leave"

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26 October 2023 12:10:00 Guest

Be prepared for the worst flying experience you could ever have in your life!
The airport staff and flight attendants are rude and refuse to answer any simple question or give any directions in English.
They seem to be constantly * and frustrated.
So very strange for an international company!
And don't even think that if you call Customer Service anything will be done to help you or give you a decent alternative.
Customer service agents do not have a respectful or professional approach to people. They just inform you that it's none of their business if you run into problems, that you should have read their "terms and policies" before you even consider booking a flight with them, and, in conclusion, that it's just your responsibility to find a solution.
They assertively say, in a repetitive manner, that your problem is none of their business!
With "the help" of Lot Polish Airline, I was left alone and stuck in a foreign country airport that doesn't care about people, unable to continue my journey or return to my country.
This company is a real nightmare!

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25 October 2023 12:10:00 Guest

I would like to leave my opinion about LOT airlines. Short story. I bought a ticket for my wife, before COVID start. LOT cancelled the flight, like most airlines. It's understandable. No question. After a few months they sent us a voucher , valid for one year, because refused to return the money back. Me and my wife didn't have a chance to travel those year. After that, when I asked for extension of voucher, they refunded, motivated voucher is expired. First of all, my definition it's a fraud and thefts , secondary It is shame and non appropriate for the big company. We're very disappointed about it. We're not a rich persons and 1200$ is big enough money for us.

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05 September 2023 12:09:00 Susan

The worst experience in my life. Do not EVER fly with LOT— they are scammers and crooks! We booked a trip with a Canadian travel agent. 1. We were charged over 500$ for the luggage on the counter. They claimed that the ticket didn’t include luggage-fee. Not true. We were entitled for the luggage. It was a full standard ticket.
2. Their prices for selecting and pre-booking a seat are 3 times more expensive than with any orher airline, for example KLM.
3. The staff is super arrogant and unprofessional. They act as if they do you a favour just by doing their job.
4. On the flight back to Stockholm, they literally switched off the air conditioning on board. We were almost suffocating (to save on gas, I believe).
5. Every flight-trip was way LONGER than estimated. 30-40 minutes longer than the time mentioned on the tickets.
6. There are lots of hidden payments and issues with everything. Even one person got poisoned from their food.
7. LOT/ Polish airlines personal is the most ridiculous unsafe unfriendly I’ve met in my life (I traveled to over 80 countries).

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03 September 2023 12:09:00 Levon

They unilaterally cancelled my ticket without any notification and refused any sort of refund. This is a scam that is somehow legal. Never again dealing with LOT.

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21 August 2023 12:08:00 Guest

In summary, I had a horrible experience with LOT Polish Airlines, it is the worst airline I have ever used.

Despite booking economy standard tickets through Expedia (which did not indicate that it was a saver ticket), we were charged for our luggage. According to your website, we are entitled to luggage.

The check-in process was disorganized and chaotic. The flight was overbooked and my partner’s seat was taken by someone else. We were separated on the flight. The flight was delayed and the layover in Warsaw was so short that we did not receive our luggage in Beirut.

The luggage was delayed 24 hours, which meant that we had to manage without our belongings for an entire day. We had to go to the airport again the next day early in the morning to pick up our luggage.

On our return today (the 12th of August), we had to pay for the luggage again which is unfair. There was delay again and we did not receive the luggage as well.

I raised a complaint and demanded a refund of the luggage payments and compensation for all the damage done. Lot airlines did not even bother to respond to me.

It is a horrible airline, I would never use again and recommend it to be avoided at any cost.

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25 July 2023 12:07:00 Guest

My recent experience with LOT Airlines has left me deeply disappointed and disheartened. Despite facing exceptional circumstances, the airline responded in an uncivilized manner, displaying a lack of empathy and failing to provide appropriate compensation.

In my complaint (reference #RP/18157/23/EK - V5NLYJ), I explained the situation with my 5-year-old daughter's passport, which had only 5 months left to expire. They prevented our entire family from boarding, advising us to contact an office to expedite the passport renewal within one week, without mentioning the hefty $1000 fee. The flight attendant, Diana, also insisted I book a new ticket immediately or risk losing everything, even though I couldn't afford such expenses due to the financial strain of traveling to visit my mother undergoing breast cancer surgery in our home country. I refused to book immediately, knowing I couldn't predict when my daughter's passport would be issued, and I couldn't afford the $1000 fee.

I believed the airline's pressure to book immediately or cancel and lose everything was absurd, until I contacted the main office in Poland, waiting for two months to receive a mere $134 refund, blaming me for not having all documents ready. This treatment is senseless and unacceptable, and it reflects poorly on the airline's credibility in the market.

The unexpected turn of events not only disrupted our long-awaited vacation but also prevented my wife from being present for her mother's breast cancer operation.

Despite providing all necessary documentation, LOT Airlines offered a resolution that was far from satisfactory, refunding a mere $134 out of the $3,070 we had paid for tickets for myself and four accompanying children.

The dismissive response from LOT Airlines left us feeling neglected and unheard during a time when we needed understanding and compassion the most. We had hoped the airline would consider our exceptional circumstances and act empathetically, acknowledging the distress we were going through. Unfortunately, this was not the case.

As customers, we should be able to trust that airlines will treat us with respect and fairness, especially when facing unforeseen and challenging situations. However, the response from LOT Airlines has shattered this trust and left us questioning their commitment to customer satisfaction.

It is disheartening to see an airline of LOT's stature dismiss a customer's plight without genuine consideration for their situation. The lack of empathy displayed and the failure to provide adequate compensation have further compounded the distress we were already facing.

I am writing this review to share my experience honestly and caution others about the potential lack of sensitivity and empathy they may encounter when dealing with LOT Airlines. I implore the airline to reevaluate their policies and procedures to ensure they treat customers with the respect and understanding they deserve, especially in exceptional circumstances.

In the end, it is not just about the money; it is about how a company handles its customers and the trust they build through their actions. I sincerely hope that LOT Airlines will take this feedback constructively and work towards improving their customer service. This experience has undoubtedly left a lasting negative impact on our perception of the airline.

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25 July 2023 12:07:00 Guest

My recent experience with LOT Airlines has left me deeply disappointed and disheartened. Despite encountering exceptional circumstances, the airline responded in an uncivilized manner, displaying a lack of empathy and failing to provide appropriate compensation.

In my complaint (reference #RP/18157/23/EK -V5NLYJ), I explained the circumstances preventing my family's travel, particularly issues with my expired passport and the significant financial hardships we were facing. I also highlighted how our children were denied the opportunity to enjoy their long-awaited vacation, and my wife couldn't be present for her mother's breast cancer operation. Despite providing all the necessary documentation, LOT Airlines offered a resolution that was far from satisfactory, merely refunding $134 out of the $3,070 we had paid for tickets for myself and four accompanying children.

The dismissive response from LOT Airlines left us feeling neglected and unheard during a time when we needed understanding and compassion the most. We had hoped the airline would consider our exceptional circumstances and act with empathy, recognizing the distress we were going through. Unfortunately, this was not the case.

As customers, we should be able to trust that airlines will treat us with respect and fairness, especially when dealing with unforeseen and challenging situations. However, the response from LOT Airlines has shattered this trust and left us questioning their commitment to customer satisfaction.

It is disheartening to see an airline of LOT's stature dismiss a customer's plight without genuine consideration for their situation. The lack of empathy displayed and the failure to provide adequate compensation has further compounded the distress we were already facing.

I am writing this review to share my experience honestly and to caution others about the potential lack of sensitivity and empathy they may encounter when dealing with LOT Airlines. I implore the airline to reevaluate their policies and procedures to ensure that they treat their customers with the respect and understanding they deserve, especially in exceptional circumstances.

In the end, it is not just about the money; it is about how a company handles their customers and the trust they build through their actions. I sincerely hope that LOT Airlines will take this feedback constructively and work towards improving their customer service, as this experience has undoubtedly left a lasting negative impact on our perception of the airline.

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07 July 2023 12:07:00 Guest

Be careful choosing this airline, because of some reason you want to change the return date, you will be extra charge 500-800$ (refund not possible as well). The company does not care on his customers at all. I flew a lot of times and many years I choose LOT, everything was fine, they changed a date for free or $100, but not like $800, for me this is too much in relation to their regular customers. Very disappointed! The company rules are getting worse!

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13 June 2023 12:06:00 Guest

This is the worst transatlantic airline ever. Even though it’s economy class the space, comfort and SMELL is under the minimum… Never ever travel with this airline again. The man would think he get compensation in the price but it’s not true.

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24 May 2023 12:05:00 Andras Morvay

tl;dr: 24-hour delay, communicational incompetency, zero customer service/apology, May 2023

I was traveling with my wife and 1.5-year-old baby.
1) They delayed our flight by 30-minute increments, and never gave us a reason why. The original departure was supposed to be 4:30PM. At 9 PM, after 10 delays and 5 hours of waiting at the gate, they told us the plane would only leave the next day at noon / 12PM.
2) We didn't stand in line for the complimentary hotel because we could stay at our friends close to the airport, but the people told us next day that it took 3+ hours, or until midnigh t/ 12AM to sort that out
3) The following day at 9AM when we checked in they gave us food vouchers but none of the restaurants accepted it. We never asked for food vouchers so this seemed like such a strange thing to make us even more irritated.
4) The plane was set to leave at noon / 12PM but they kept delaying the flight again by 30-minute increments and we were close to rebooking to another flight (where the customer service rep said that they probably won't reimburse us for), but then they finally announced at 4PM that we're ready to board. After sitting for an extra 2 hours on the plane, we finally departed at 6PM. We arrived at our destination 24 hours late.
5) A minor irritant: We asked to have our carry-on baggage checked in because we were with a baby and it's easier to traverse the airport without having to tow that around. The first day they said they won't because the plane isn't full. At the check-in gate an hour later I asked if the plane isn't full could they perhaps secure a whole row (3 seats) for my family so the baby could possibly sleep between us. There they said the plane is full. The following day when we checked in again we asked if they could check in our carry-ons as well and they did so, no questions asked. So the first day someone was either lying or just not willing to even try to help out.
6) I called customer service when we got in to see if we could have our return flight changed to a week later and they said that they can only change it to a day later per policy, because that's how much the plane was delayed. But, the day later date had a 16-hour layover vs our original 2-hour layover so they offered to shorten our trip by a day if we'd like. I don't even understand why they'd recommend that. And to make matters even more mind-boggling I checked online and the 1-day later flight was actually more expensive then the 1-week later flight. They'd give me a more expensive return flight because their policy doesn't let them give me a flight that's further out than the delay we experienced.
7) Other irritant: None of the tv remotes worked on the trans-atlantic flight, so I couldn't even turn on the light or do anything with it really.
8) Final irritant: The seat I sat in reclined but didn't stay there. So every time I leaned forward to get my book or grab a drink, it came with me, and then I had to recline it again, irritating the person sitting behind me.

All of this with a baby in tow. He was surprisingly patient though, more patient than a lot of the other travelers, also slept through the whole flight in the end! So anyway, worst trip ever on LOT's part. And then customer service couldn't even give me a different return flight (apart from one with a 16 hour layover instead of our original 2 hour) after a 24 hour delay. All this for $2,700 USD. I'll do my best to never book LOT again, and won't hesitate to advise anyone I know to try to avoid it if they can, because this whole experience was the worst of the worst.

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06 April 2023 12:04:00 Guest

LOT is the worst company I have ever dealt with, here’s why:
I flight was from Copenhagen to Yerevan(transit flight)and when I flying from Copenhagen everything was fine no one ask me about my handbage size or weight.I linded in Warshava and when I have to fly to Yerevan.They questioned me hand luggage size, weight I asked it's transit flight if it wasn't okay then Copenhagen wouldn't approve either she told me that i am aggressive and if i continue questioning her then she won't let me fly! I told her I am not aggressive you are mad she start jelling on me.

I am not recommended nobody to fly from this airline they are very discriminate people and I have seen really service the difference between flights to Copenhagen and Yerevan.

Fly to Copenhagen was very high class they know people can speak English and they can report them but Armenians or flyight to Yerevan was worst and disrespectful

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16 February 2023 12:02:00 Adi

I'll break your suitcases and at most pay you half the amount, and don't transport animals to the hold, it's not an animal-friendly company

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08 January 2023 12:01:00 Guest

Worst airline ever with NO care about the passengers!!

I had a ticket with this airline, I missed the flight and I didn't fly with this flight, however I was just there 3, 4 minutes far from the gate. The corresponding people didn't call my name, I didn't hear anything, otherwise I could just run to arrive to the gate for boarding, and even when I arrived there they didn't say anything, so I just thought the flight has delay.

Then I asked people standing at the gate myself and they said boarding is closed now. I asked them for a help or rebooking the flight or even giving me a phone number to call the airline, they didn't help at all.

Then I found a number myself and called LOT customer service, they also didn't help me at all. They could rebook the flight for the same day or even another day which is the least that every airline does that for their passengers but LOT customer service didn't do that.

I had to spend a lot of money and time that day at the airport because of this.

This airline has basically NO customer service to help passengers and they actually don't care about the passengers and their money and time at all.

I will never buy a ticket from this airline.

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09 December 2022 12:12:00 Perpat

I flew non stop to Warsaw from Chicago. I'd read some disturbing reviews, but I must say we were on time there and back. The staff was pleasant but not annoyingly so. The dinner was more than I could eat. It was chicken and mashed potatoes, salad, dessert.. I didn't finish. Sat in the exit row. It's the only way to go.

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03 October 2022 12:10:00 Guest

My boyfriend's flight Skopje-Warsaw has been rescheduled for the next day without informing me (literally no email, sms nor information in the passenger space). Now he learns about this on the day of the flight. There was literally no communication about this!
He was supposed to take another flight Warsaw-Paris tomorrow. Now, with the hour you are suggesting, he won't make it for this flight. So he would like to fly directly from warsaw to skopje. According to this webpage: he is entitled to change the flight route but your consultants tell me he can't.

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09 September 2022 12:09:00 TOM

We would like to change travel date because Polish airlines send us a bunch of advertising emails about "Big discounts".
In first look like good deal so we try to change our trip date. We contact one day Polish airlines and they offer us a ticket change for 146$ extra which on web site look like ticket should be exchange without any cost or PLL Lot should refund us some money. We call next day and Polish airlines representative inform us that for same dates exchange ticket will cost us a 750$ extra. This is some kind of SCAM !!!!
I ask for supervisor to complain and resolve issue but they inform there is nobody who they can transfer !!!!!!
Polish Airlines don't care about costumers and there is nobody to talk from costumer service !!!!!!!!!!!!

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08 September 2022 12:09:00 Guest

LOT is the worst company I have ever dealt with, here’s why:
1. I was planning my trip back to Ukraine from Tirana to see my parents, it takes me 40 minutes to get to the airport from the other city by taxi, which I paid 40ˆ for.
Once the check in started and it was my turn, I was told, that they will NOT board me on the flight. Mind you, no emails were sent whatsoever.
I was told to call LOT for further info, their office never answers, anytime you call you minimum will be the 45th in the queue.

I had my whole route planned, my second flight from Warsaw was departing 2 hours later, my bus reservations made from Poland to Ukraine, one after another.
As a compensation they gave me the worst hotel room possible, very dirty and old, and also I was called from an anonymous number and told I can pick up 250ˆ in their office, which I did.

2. I decided to ask about my trip with them for later on This month to Canada from Albania, I have a cat I’m taking with me, which I couldn’t register through their website, their form just doesn’t go through.
It happened once before once I used their company, but I ended up just paying for my cat in their office on the day of the flight with absolutely no issue.

I told them I wanted to register my cat right now (this is occurring 4 weeks before the flight, I purchased the ticket a month prior to the flight), which they told me they DONT HAVE ANY PLACES FOR ANIMALS ON BOARD ANYMORE. Despite me pleading and saying that they can take their compensation back but just let me take my cat because an extra 4 kg will not harm them, and just make an exception for me, because they completely destroyed my trip, it was pointless, and no other option was offered other than paying an extra of 600$ to upgrade to business class so I can take my cat (apparently there are places for animals there), they claimed they didn’t have any places for animals on flights till the very end of the month, and even first days of October, so no other option was available.

After me saying that the form on their website doesn’t work so I couldn’t have possibly registered my cat, I was told that they have a claim section on their website I can go to…

I was in total shock because so much was happening already with my trip being messed up and me having to rebook everything, (still haven’t gotten my refund for buses I canceled and had to buy new ones), and now they told me I can’t take my cat! I understand that the people working there are robots, because they deal with customers, but you have to be completely heartless if I’m saying I can’t leave my cat because there’s nobody in that country that I know and just crying because of how helpless and lost I felt.

3.I filed for a refund and landed money to buy another ticket from another company immediately, because the later it gets the more expensive are the tickets.
ONE WEEK IN NO EMAIL was sent to me confirming they have received my claim, (and their website says you can’t file more than once, or they won’t look into your claim at all).

I Was told that it’s not 100% that my ticket is refundable, depending on the type of the ticket I purchased, gladly it was the refundable one but still!!!
How is it possible you have tickets that are non refundable if I want to return them almost a month before the flight??? It IS MY MONEY. And the amount was 600$+.

I came down their office once again to ask about my refund and when I’ll be receiving it, they told me 60 days, SIXTY!!!!!! What if I’m in need of an immediate surgery and I don’t have any other money???
To that, they responded with “these are our terms”
Oh yeah??? How about your terms of boarding your passengers???
Your terms of answering your calls? I bet you have only ONE person at the call center for your whole HUGE company.
How about the terms of your website working properly so people don’t experience problems you create??????


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20 February 2022 12:02:00 Katya

It was first and last time flying LOT
Lot lugguage, then received damaged lugguage.

Flights always delayed.
My dad’s suitcase on the way to New York from Ukraine was lost.
Staff was very unhelpful and unprofessional when it came to file report for lost item.
I was told I will be contacted in 24-48 hrs to schedule delivery of the suitcase. Apparently my dad’s suitcase was left at Poland.
Nobody contacted me. I had to buy everything from underwater, toothbrush, clothes, etc for my dad.

Lot polish never even apologized for such an inconvenience I’m not even saying about giving credit like some airlines do.

Finally 5 days later suitcase was delivered to us. It was broken. Zipper was broke so as the result I had to buy new suitcase for my dad to return to Ukraine.
Extra expense of $125 that I should have had.


When we got to the airport.
I knew we had 5kg overnight and I was ok to pay for it. But representative told us it will be additional $183 charge. What a joke. For 5 kg when you can buy extra check in bag for $130.
Then lot polish representatives made my dad to weigh in carry on lugguage. But the crazy part in front of us it was group of Orthodox Jews and nobody was asked to weight their carry on. Their carry one were as big if not bigger my dad had and they were ok to board with them.
My dad was made to check in his carry on and I paid additional $135
It definitely looks like DISCRIMINATION from LOT polish!!!

When I tolled to manager at check in booth and asked him about list suitcase, broke zipper and I was told he wasn’t there when my dad arrived so he had nothing to do it. What a “professional” answer from LOT representative.

You definitely lost client and not just one.

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06 May 2021 12:05:00 RomanP

In 2019 I used LOT on RZE-WAW-GVA-WAW-RZE route. Honestly I have no any complains. Nothing spectacular but also nothing to complain about. Made on time my connection so I was happy with that. But with overall opinion about LOT I do not plan to use them on trans-Atlantic flights. With my friends who used them on flights USA-Poland no one really was happy. Quick check on LOT flights on Flightradar24 clearly shows that they are almost always late! Not good! 4 stars for just my recent flights around Europe.

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05 November 2020 12:11:00 Jerry Potrawiak

I purchased ticket to Toronto for October 2020. Firstly LOT changed my itinerary twice and this was ok with LOT then I missed first leg flight (my fault, no taxi) from Poznan 2 Warsaw. I took a train as the second leg flight was 12 hours later but when I got there I had to pay 2850 PLN over and above the amount of 2100 PLN, just to reinstate my ticket. So, I end up paying 4950PLN. It looks that LOT is making sales by ripping people off! I queried that charge with LOT as it doesn't make sense to pay so much just for 10 min work reinstating my ticket, yet the plane was half empty.

I have flown more than 700 times but never again will fly LOT. No customer service nor understanding especially during Covid-19 !!!

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24 March 2020 12:03:00 jacek sosnowski

I have been using many different airlines on transatlantic flights: polish airlines LOT, British airlines, Virgins airlines, Swiss airlines. In my opinion LOT has very good new planes, good service during the flight , very good service in first class lounge in Warsaw airport, no compare to the others except British airlines in London. However if you fly by LOT you can assume that departure always be delayed.. Since I has been flying for last 15 years firstt class I was very upset that a year ago when I lost connection in USA due to bed weather condition in Jacksonville Florida. I wanted rebook my flight for next day. Me and my wife, we had to pay significant additional money. I was very upset but I hoped that since I am member of Miles and More and frequent flyer to Poland from USA that I will have better treatment. Very upsetting, but since I am POLAK i gave them 3 stars.

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08 November 2019 12:11:00 Martin

In May 2019 I used LOT and 24 hours before my flight (I was still sleeping) LOT called me that me flight is cancelled and rebooked me for later flight that they but arriving to my destination more than 10 hours later.

So of course I complained and now the fun with their Specialist in Passenger Claims section, Mr Pawel, started.
To my first complaint that I was called 24 hours before the flight, he wrote back after 2 months that my flight was canceled already in April (approx 1 month before the flight) so I was informed more than 2 weeks in advance so no compensation.

So I complaint again, with question if he has a problem with math or understanding English text as I clearly wrote I was called less than 24 hours before the flight and in my world 24 hours is much less then 2 weeks.
After 2,5 months he replied back that they (LOT) carefully investigate each complaint and that they cannot be responsible if the contact details are incorrect.

So I wrote another complaint asking him, if my details were not correct how they were able to call me and also after I booked the tickets I got all the confirmations by email.
Today (8th November) I got a new message from Mr. Pawel. He can see that my email address was changed in the system 1 day before the flight (during the phone call I was asked if I can confirm my email address) so by his opinion my details were definitely incorrect. He completly ignored the question how they were still able to call me if my data were incorrect and wrote that this case is closed for him.

Of course I raised now new complain and will be waiting another 2 months before got any answer...

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27 August 2019 12:08:00 Rodica Pop

I have travelled by LOT from Bucharest to Berlin on August 17th. My luggage was not delivered at my arrival at Tegel airport. The matter was not solved in spite of many flights from Warsaw to Berlin. I have stayed a week without the necessary things I had in my bag.
I am back in Bucharest since August 24th, and waiting in wain my luggage. During all this time it was impossible to contact LOT in Warsaw by telephone or e-mail. It was an automatic answer, who made us (there were several people with non delivered luggage) even more frustrated. The form "we are sorry for the inconvenient, if any" (???!!!) is unacceptable. I invite LOT company head and staff to stay one week with no luggage and see if there is "any inconvenient".

The LOT office in Bucharest just told me that finding the lost luggage is not their concern /business. If I am not wrong, when LOT airlines do not deliver the luggage when you fly with them this is not their concern. But who's ?

I will never fly by LOT this company again, nor my Japanese, Mongolian or German colleagues.

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28 January 2019 12:01:00 k.zenkner

I fly on Lot often and have always had very friendly, professional service. Compares favourably to Lufthansa or Swiss

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23 May 2017 12:05:00 Paul

Keep in mind that LOT is a low cost airline. No meals on short-haul flights, no complimentary alcohol anywhere. If you have excess luggage or need to change your itinerary, you will pay dearly! And you can disregard the rates that are indicated on your reservation, LOT will charge you a much higher rate at your point of origin. But if you do expect low cost customer service, then LOT will get you from point A to point B.

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12 July 2013 12:07:00 Larisa

We have "hot meal" written in our tickets, but got cold snacks in the flights.

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03 May 2013 12:05:00 Guest

Flew LOT on many occasions, from Larnaca to Warsaw and beyond throughout Europe. Larnaca LOT staff are excellent. Service on board the brand new aircraft (Embraers) is super in Business class. But in Economy they just offer a sandwich. Arriving at Warsaw, expect to be boarded into a cramped bus, Business & Economy alike.
However, never faced any delays and always on time, with friendly staff.
Keep it up and good luck with the Dreamliners.

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27 March 2008 12:03:00 Guest

Gdansk-Frankfurt by a fairly new Embraer 170, fast check-in and departed on time. Cold sandwich and soft drink were served, quite standard for a smaller airline on a shorter route. The in-flight announcement was made in English as well. Quite a pleasant flight with near full capacity. Thank you LOT!

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