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Delta Air Lines Reviews

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28 July 2024 12:07:00 Jim B.

Unfortunately, I just had my worst experience in all my years flying Delta. Flying back to Atl from LGA with my wife, and in boarding the flt, I was told that the bag was too big and instead of checking the bag at the gate, which has happened multiple times previously, I was told I needed to go back to check-in and formally check the bag. Thus, I missed my flt and my wife flew without me. Delta at LGA said this was all policy, and they wouldnt make any accommodations at the gate. Again, this is the first time this has ever happened and just really surprised by such poor customer service. I have Diamond status and a million miler.

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02 April 2024 12:04:00 Everett Fuller

BEST flight experience ever! Amazing service. super good cleaning and really good landing. Overall a great airline.

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17 August 2023 12:08:00 David Williams

This is the worst company around, as a long time flyer of delta and a platinum member for many years I was shocked when recently we boarded the plane from salt lake heading Atlanta final destination of south bend IN. Just before closing the boarding door the gate agent came aboard and said the plane was over sold and 11 people had to give up their seats or the plane wouldn’t leave. After all the on and off I was delayed and missed my connection. I wasn’t offered a hotel food nothing and was rebooked standby for coach (I was first class) the next day at 315. Delta won’t let you talk to customer service who can make things happen you can only email. I guess this is because they are no longer a company that cares about the customer

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10 September 2022 12:09:00 Tracy Batterson

Traveling direct from Cancun to Detroit with a group of 12. Flight was booked in March. A few weeks ago I was informed that the flight was “oversold” and I would be put on another flight with a layover in Atlanta. The flight actually has multiple open seats but I suspect they now want to make those seats business class to charge more money. I should be allowed a seat on my original flight that I paid for. Not only did I get separated from the group I got a worse flight and no compensation. Is this how Delta Airlines does business?! It’s no wonder why people are so upset when they travel. All I ask is that I get what I paid for.

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21 August 2022 12:08:00 Shirley McAllister

The plane from Eugene was so tightly scheduled that I did not have enough time to make my connecting flight. Almost everyone with connecitiong flights on this flight missed their connections. My itinerary said it would arrive at 7:31 PM and leave at 9:55 PM. When I got to Seattle my plane landed at the top on S gate and I had to go to gate B3 and I had 10 minutes to get there. I quickly walked down one corridor to another corridor to the escalators to the train..took 2 escalators got on the train to B and went up another escalator then down two corridors way to the end and the flight had just closed it's doors. I practically ran all the way down those two corridors I have asthma and had to use my inhaler before I passed out. I went to the help desk. They put me on a later flight with several other Boise people that were on my flight 3553 that missed their same flight. One lady was connecting to Phoenix and had two children. She missed her Phoenix flight and had to stay overnight in Seattle. You cannot get from the S gate to the B gate in 10 minutes.I only had a computer bag to carry the others had more luggage. Then the later flight was delayed twice while we were waiting for it. Our boarding pass and the agent that rebooked us all told us to go to gate A2 which we all did. The agent at gate A2 said it was the Medford Oregon gate and that we must have the wrong gate although our boarding passes said gate A2. Finally the plane arrived at 11:55 and we got on I got to Boise at 2:30 in the morning on Saturday morning. I left Eugene Oregon at 5:45 Friday afternoon. Then my granddaughter who was picking me up (she has 4 small children at home) was waiting all this time for me. Well my luggage was checked so it went with the first plane and when we got to Boise it was not there. We had to hunt down someone to find it in the luggage room. I got home around 3:30 AM. I do have to give kudos to one kind man agent that noticed my breathing distress and gave me a couple of small bottles of water and had me sit down and brought my boarding pass to me. He even bumped me up to comfort class which was really nice since the long wait I endured.
I am 73 years old, I have asthma, I just lost my husband of 19 years in May. I needed to go to Oregon to visit my daughter. I like to visit her when I can and most of the time it is okay. She booked my flight and used Delta which I had never flown on before. I am now not sure I ever will again. I will fly because they can't leave their farm for any length of time and it is easier for mom to fly out to them, but I will ask her to use a different airlines next time. My customer service agent was a nice man but the other agent told the lady with two children she should have been able to make it. With two children in tow and luggage she could not make it across the airport that fast.
The Boise flight had to know there were at least 5 people or more missing from their boarding. Five more minutes and at least 4 of us would have made it we were all there at the same time and the doors just shut. True Story....Shirley McAllister

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30 June 2019 12:06:00 William Freyer

This airline sucks. Excuse my French. They left my Daughter and 50 of her high school classmates on the runway for 6 hours Saturday 6/29 at JFK airport. They then proceeded to leave these poor starving children back at the airport for 18 hours . It was supposed to be a trip of a lifetime to Europe. Instead it's every parents nightmare. Do not fly with these evil bastards. Your better off paddling across the Atlantic!

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01 September 2016 12:09:00 kristen Budd

So disappointed...this is our first time using Delta. We have had 2 major flight changes within a 3 month period. One we were not even informed about, we decided to check four days before departure. Each time we had to rebook so we could keep our original itinerary. . This last time we ended up losing our seats, and now we are not seated together. The supervisor was informed of the issues we had, and said we can do nothing and there is no one you can speak to about our concerns. Will not fly Delta again.....I advise others not to as well!

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28 May 2016 12:05:00 Guest

Customer service is excellent until they leave you stranded for 3 hours due to maintenance on an aircraft. I ended up missing my scheduled flight and gate agents are less than helpful. Apparently they cannot assist you with another flight like Southwest can. On hold for the 3rd time today with the customer service line for over 20 minutes. If you are not a medallion member, good luck. I spend $800 a week, every week and am finished with this experiment. Back to American or Southwest where they actually help you when they screw up.

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08 December 2015 12:12:00 Buzz

I like the service just short flights are boring due to lack of entertainment. Aircraft also tend to be in bad condition

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24 March 2015 12:03:00 Passenger

Thanks to Delta, my flight was rescheduled (without my permission) for a flight that would later be cancelled, I was never given "promised" hotel accommodations for the night, my wife and I missed 1 day of work each, and I paid for a rental car out of pocket. The lack of honest communication is atrocious. Worst of all, I was given horrendous customer service in person, via email, and via Twitter, and I lost complete trust in Delta as a company and an airline. Delta has done nothing but provide terrible customer service, dishonest communication, and a lack of reliability.

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16 June 2014 12:06:00 Julie Stewart

We recently took a cruise on Princess and booked our tickets through Delta. We made the airline reservations 6 months early and they changed our flight times over 13 times (lost count)...some of these were major changes including us having to leave a day early and give up a full night of our cruise/land vacation. When we asked why, they said it was due to weather yet it was 4 months before our departure date!! How can they possibly know it was due to weather?

This trip was for my parents 50th wedding anniversary. It caused them a lot of undue stress and we were very disappointed. Both of the "changed" departing flights home were delayed 2 hours. My final leg of my trip, the agent made a comment that there was an extreme peanut allergy on the plane and to NOT carry on any type of food with peanuts. About 5 min later they had a cart available in the gate area with snacks as a courtesy for the delay. And what did they guessed it...peanuts! This entire trip was a terrible experience.

If you are going on any kind of a cruise, I would think twice about booking with Delta. They had signs ALL OVER their gate areas with information about how they could help if their [Delta] flights were delayed or CANCELLED! This would lead me to believe it happens A LOT!

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11 May 2014 12:05:00 Sally

If you leave anything behind on a Delta Airplane (in the overhead) etc. Don't bother contacting Delta... you will never get it back. I called instantly and regularly with exact details of something my daughter left on the plane. We were the very last ones off the plane in a hurry as Delta had a delay and we were missing a connecting flight. No chance of another passenger taking the item, again we were the last ones off plane. No way of talking to a person in the exact terminal to see if it went to any special place to be held and recovered. Only channel of help is to fill out on online form... and then forget about it. Not sure if updated reports are automatic, but it shouldn't be that difficult to recover. Oh Well... live and learn.

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23 March 2014 12:03:00 sue from uk

we use delta all of the time for transatlantic flights, what is happening with the skymiles, I book with klm and air france who are skymiles partners, what is the problem with the airlmiles as I have delta number, they are making it so difficult to collect them, its so stressful getting them you feel like letting it go, which is what they appear to want, we had flight from uk to ams to detroit to tampa and were awarded under 1500 miles????????? whats going on, they dont have the most cost effiecient fares, I fly with the group for the miles......come on whats happening

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16 November 2012 12:11:00 Guest

I really like Delta, however their new web site is a disaster. They have moved backwards instead of forwards. Features are gone and it is much more cumbersome to navigate and use. Th old one worked great. Why change what works?

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13 August 2012 12:08:00 Churstie martin

Be Very Very Careful when you purchase your tickets from this airline. They will NOT! work with you if you have any issues with time changes or other arrangements. Delta cost me four hundred dollars after a death in the the family and wouldn't transfer a ticket and all I got was "its policy" no sorry or apologies, nothing, I will personally never fly with them again. I wouldn't recommend it either unless absolutely neccessary.

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09 June 2012 12:06:00 Guest

I recently had a fantastically horrible experience flying fr om London Heathrow to Detroit. The original non-stop flight (DL 57) was cancelled, and when we went to the Delta service desk to inquire about options, the employee merely told us that we had been rebooked on a flight the following morning. He did not offer any additional information or options, and when we asked whether the airline would cover a hotel for the extra night, he had to call to inquire, only then offering to see whether he could book us on a flight that same day. He did these transactions while also trying to assist another passenger so that none of us was able to get his full attention, and while this all transpired, two other Delta employees stood idly by, not attempting to assist in any way to speed the process along. I would think that there would be some standard policies regarding passenger options and treatment in the event of cancelled flights, and that service desk employees would know what these are and would apprise passengers of them without having to be asked. This breach of what seems to me the most basic good customer service, was, however, only the beginning.
We were booked on a flight that connected through JFK, and it was at JFK that the real nightmare began. At the Delta service desk there (in terminal 4) we were told that we would have to change terminals and were directed to the transfer area. At the transfer area, the Delta employees seemed completely confused. Not only could they not tell us with any certainty which terminal we should transfer to, they did not seem to know which shuttle went to which terminal. As a result of this incompetence, I was told to get on one shuttle, but when I realized that my partner had not gotten on as well, I went back to the transfer area wh ere I discovered that I had been told to get on the wrong shuttle. Had I not gotten off and gone back, I would have ended up at the wrong terminal.
When we got to the correct terminal (and even now I don’t know whether it was 2 or 3), things got even worse. As the boarding time for our flight approached, a Delta employee made a barely audible and almost incomprehensible announcement about pre-boarding and luggage tags. When a couple of people went to the counter to ask him to repeat it, they were rudely told that they didn’t need to hear it. Another employee then began to circulate around the waiting area distributing luggage tags (because the plane was so small that most of the carry-on luggage would have to be stowed underneath rather than carried into the cabin). He refused to answer any questions and told people to go sit down and he would come around and distribute the tags. He then did this in random fashion, skipping over people (ourselves included), and when I got up to follow him and request some tags, he repeatedly turned away from me so that I finally gave up. Boarding consisted of being herded like cattle onto a cramped shuttle and then being subjected to more rude treatment at the plane, as I made a final attempt to request tags for our bags.
All in all every single Delta employee with whom we came into contact that day was either incompetent or rude or both. I can understand that patience and tempers might run short when flights are cancelled or when employees have to deal with challenges imposed by construction (as at JFK), but the treatment we received only exacerbated an already bad situation.

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01 February 2012 12:02:00 Guest

ISSUE #1: December 26, my adult daughter and I board the first of 3 flights (all booked with Delta at the same time) on our way to Munich. I get through the checkpoint at the gate, but they stop my daughter and tell us she is on standby! What???? Insane! I have the booking in hand...made at the same time as was NOT stand by. They board the entire flight and keep us "aside" to deal with us later. ISSUE #2: We arrive in Munich but our bags don't. Left behind in Amsterdam, our bags didn't make the tight connection. ISSUE #3: Hubby leaves Vancouver December 30th to meet us in Dresden - flying the same route as we did, his first flight goes mechanical and is cancelled. That's okay tho...rather have it happen on the ground than in the air. He makes his second flight...but his second flight is late by 1/2 hour, which cuts into HIS tight connection in Amsterdam and by the time he gets off his 2nd flight, his 3rd flight is already boarding. He makes it to the gate before while the plane is still there, but no one is there to help him out. His flight leaves and the "help" he gets is useless. It takes one of the other agents a whole 15 seconds to check and tell him they cannot get him on ANY OTHER FLIGHT ANYWHERE in GERMANY! Really?? Wow. Long story short he rings in the new year sharing a heat vent outside a post office with a homeless guy in Hof, Germany after being locked out of the train station waiting for his connecting train to Dresden. And all this because Delta and pals couldn't/wouldn't/didn't bother to try and get him on another flight into Germany until way too late. On the way home.... Delta destroys my $300 backpack + $100 worth of belongings inside. Bag used twice. They tell me in Seattle to make my claim in Vancouver, again because of a short connection. I get to Van to make my claim and guess what I'm missing??? My bag! My bag that the kind agent in Seattle helped me wrap with tape in order that nothing else is lost. And to top it Delta agent in Van to take my claim. Alaska finally takes the claim and concludes my $400 loss is worth $289 cause I haven't kept the receipt for my bag, despite having provided them with a receipt for the EXACT same bag purchased at the EXACT same store.. $302.40. Delta = DISASTROUS!

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25 January 2012 12:01:00 Frequent_Flyer_83

-Nightmarish airline that will haunt your dreams forever! Beware!
-My flight started on 22 January with a visit to the CIU (Delta operated airport) where I found a typed out note pasted on the glass door. “Your flight has been canceled due to weather conditions,” and a phone number to call. The day was perfectly clear one, and I could see the runway and there were no conditions that prevented flying. When I called the phone number that led me to Delta Customer Serive, after giving them my confirmation number for my tickets I booked 3 weeks prior, I received the response, “That flight no longer exists.” There was no attempt at helping me to rebook my flight, instead I had to go through a travel agency to make the next days flight.
-Upon arriving at the airport on 23 January, I found out that my flight had been canceled 2 weeks prior due to scheduled RADAR maintenance. I was not notified via phone, email, or any other means. Humorously enough the site even showed “on time” until after the flight had planned to go out and I contacted the customer service. I attempted to get on the first flight of the 23rd, where weather conditions had gotten MUCH worse. The flight was canceled due to REAL weather. It took sliding OFF the runway in the jet to determine this. After returning to the terminal after sitting on the plane for 2 hours, we were restricted to the terminal for another 2 hours before it was determined that the flight was canceled (due to the pilots being over flight hours at that point!) I spent an hour standing in line to be rebooked on the next flight. My intial flight was 2 stops with seating I had selected, my new flight was 3 stops, with seating in that uncomfortable spot next to the bathroom for 2 flights and a middle row for the next flight. I also found out the middle row spot was “given to me” by forcing a married couple into separate rows who had booked multiple weeks in advance as well. They noted that this happened on all of their flights as well so far!
-After all of this I attempted to contact customer service via their online customer service. I was offered $50.00 in vouchers (noting that the flight change due to RADAR maintenance had already costed me over $400.00) and told there was no need to look into any of the problems I had mentioned, such as flights being canceled without notification, the safety issues, or anything else. The email attendant simply blamed all of the above on weather, which is a STANDARD Delta response from what I found.
-Beware if your using this airline, baggage fees are only the beginning of your worries!

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25 September 2011 12:09:00 Larry Eirich

This airline will not refund airfare for connecting flights even when they are all booked with their airline. Will avoid flying with them in the future.

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21 July 2011 12:07:00 s petefish

I started on july 16th fr om pensacola to germany. when we got to deltas hub, in memphis, we boarded the planebut the n were told the cockpit window seal was damaged, so we deboarded, we were told the part was on its way,would be there at 10:30 and we would fly at 11:00p.m. we reboarded the plane at 11:00pm where we sat there for an hour only to be told the crew was out of flight time. at 6;00 in the morning we were all sent to hotels, wh ere we got to hours sleep. we were told the plane would leave at 9:00 am the next day, then 10:30, 3:30,5:00. and at 7 p.m a flight finally left but all 180 passengers were not priority, so there we sat. at 1:30 that day they told us the part for the window would come in?huh? thought that was fixed.??? when we asked what the problem was they responded we aren"t required to tell you that. they sent us all back and forth to each other and no would answer any questions. the memphis hub closes there restaurants at 8pm, so no got to eat the first day. we were stranded for over 40 hrs not due to weather. delta refused to give refunds. anyone not speaking real good english was sent off to other cities like atlanta,minnesota, and ny. not telling them it was to late to catch the flight out from those cities, those passengers were left, to pay for there own hotels,cabs and food. there was no compaensation on deltas part. they refuse to follow there own contracts on behalf of compensation. out of 180 passngers, 40 hrs later, only 50 of us got to our final destination. 130 people were left to find there own way home. when we finally did get to germany, i:ll let you guess why my husband started his new job in the same clothes he had worn for three days and 2 hrs sleep! this airline is neither reliable nor trustworthy. they leave you at there mercy then strand you with out your belongings. the faa seriously needs to reinspect the safety of this airline. it needs to be shutdown and all the employees fired! flyer beware!!!

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19 September 2010 12:09:00 Guest

Flew to Cairo and I must say that their free food is the worst, Iwould not even give my dog to eat. Secondly when you call Delta toll free phone number te call is routed to some third world country and the quality of call is worst. And, these Foreigners can't even speak good english.

Wake up Delta, American Airlines is geting ahead of you . At least American Airlines call center is in United States.

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14 August 2010 12:08:00 David

I am a very frequent flier on Delta. Though I feared the worst when they bought Northwest (I had been a perennial Northwest customer) they have exceeded my expectations by a country mile. Nearly always on or ahead of schedule, never have lost luggage, nearly alwasy very friendly flight attendents, modern airplanes being continually upgraded, and nearly always the best price.

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26 April 2010 12:04:00 Guest

Worst airline in the world. 3 stars of * . Didn't bother to tell us our flight had been changed. We called, by chance, and they couldn't find us a flight on the days we were supposed to depart or return. No big deal, just a family trip with two kids we had planned for 7 months. Wonder what would have happened had we not called and showed up the day of the flight? Good luck if you decide to go with these scam artists. I hope they go bankrupt and Southwest or Jet Blue take over the skies. Leave flying to people who can run an organization.

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20 December 2009 12:12:00 Brian Smith

LAX-ATL-RDU-ATL-LAX in First Class. I felt that Delta itself tried its best to do its best: flight attendants and ground staff were adequate and often cheerful, most flights on time, and no baggage issues since I was in first. The planes are a bit older, but they had AVOD on the longer legs. Seats nothing special, and not worth the price. Food free and adequate. I would consider Delta again for domestic travel. The main issues of complaint were not with the airline itself, rather the customers flying. Everyone travels with way too much carry on luggage trying to avoid fees, most people overweight (including myself), and many people rather ill-mannered. In first class, why do passengers put their feet, with shoes on, on the bulkhead? Would you put your shoes on the wall of your home? I think the US carriers are doing their best, but with the traveling public expecting low fares and a budget experience, we end up with a mediocre product.

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27 June 2009 12:06:00 Guest

This is the best airline ever I fly with them all the time and they never let me down.

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21 February 2008 12:02:00 S Choy

Business Elite London (Gatwick) - Atlnta. 767-300ER, grumpy attendants, terrible food and exceptionally slow service. The entertainment was poor compared with European carriers with very limited movie selections. Given the open sky agreement due to take effect couple months from now, I cannot see how Delta Air Lines is positioned to compete with European carriers who offers a much better business class products for almost same price. One benefit for flying Delta, which I note are those in economy class practically occupy the whole to themselves - ie it was very empty.

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