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Airbus A320 Reviews

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25 June 2024 12:06:00 Lorna

What a crappy configuration on air Canada C-FDGQ. Just install old fashioned church pews with a narrow bench. No bottom cushion, no lumbar support and the crappiest little head rests. 4 hours in this bird will test your patience. Even business class is sitting in seats from the old cars in 1920.

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28 August 2023 12:08:00 Guest

This has been my worst experience in travel. The engine makes weird noise and it's continuous. I started to have flight sickness after traveling by this flight. Fortunately, the pilot was amazing who could land us safely. Most of the fellow passengers were feeling sick too. I would never travel by A320.

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29 July 2023 12:07:00 Guest

The seat configurations for business is odd.
And things like screens coming down from the roof makes the planes feel very old.

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06 September 2018 12:09:00 Charanjit Singh Punjab India

Have got many oppurtunities to travel In A320 through different Airlines. I like A320 plane. It is very comfortable.

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12 June 2017 12:06:00 Guest ASHFAQ ORAKZAI

Iam from pakistan I have traveled on the board of airbus 300,airbus 310 and airbus 320 I have found a 300 and a 310 very classic comfortable planes but a 320 little bit disturbing by air turbulance bcause it is light plane but over all good .

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13 May 2017 12:05:00 Saidha Naresh

There is no pocket or holder at the back of the seats for keeping personal stuff like glasses, water bottle etc.
Now such articles have to be kept on the lap or on the floor.... which is quite annoying

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23 August 2016 12:08:00 Guest

Very, very uncomfortable seating! Like sitting on a wooden park bench for 3 straight hours. If you are over 6' tall I would avoid being a passenger on one of these planes.

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18 June 2016 12:06:00 Guest

Rode a A320 AirAsia from Manila(MNL) to Puerto princesa (PPS)
Its still OK

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24 March 2015 12:03:00 Guest

They say "Safer than a lot of other aircraft out there" (aircraft Not a very glowing endorsement. I have flown on the A320 twice... and NEVER AGAIN. I have flown Boeing aircraft that clearly where aged aircraft, but the feel of the craft, on the ground and in the air, was that of a well built, solid aircraft. First ride on an A320... I thought, well maybe this was just an aircraft at the end of is service life. The second time on an A320 I asked how old it was... "About 5 yrs old"... Poorly constructed with cheap material, and I honestly felt the aircraft would shake itself apart at any moment. I have rescheduled flights many times, just to avoid ever flying on an A320 again. And this was WELL BEFORE all the "mishaps" of late. The DC-10 had a much safer flight record and fewer mishaps, and it was yanked from service in the USA in a heart beat. What's up with the A320 still being in service?

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24 May 2013 12:05:00 Capt. Abdullah

The A320 is one of the best aircraft that I have ever flown. Thanks to Airbus Company and all those who are working on the continued development of this aircarft.

Best regards.

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24 February 2013 12:02:00 Guest

The airbus A320 is the best aircraft on the planet. Modern looking, highly computerized, futuristic and the most important of all reliable, unlike some new models. I was able to fly with A320 for dozen times and i can say it's my favorite plane.

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