Aeroflot, Moscow to Havana
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Aeroflot, Moscow to Havana

I’d like to share my impressions of my Aeroflot flight from Moscow to Havana (Aeroflot is the flag-carrier of Russia).

Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport, Terminal B

Sheremetyevo International Airport. We departed from the new C Terminal. We started by registering at the automated check-in.

Aeroflot self check-in

At the Sheremetyevo Airport before take-off. View on the Terminal F:

Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport, Terminal F

Moscow-Havana is a very long flight, more than 13 hours total, but, thanks to the airline company, was surprisingly relaxed.

For a start, there was a lot of media available to watch, including movies, concerts, cartoons, etc. of all kinds. I watched two movies in a row (I just couldn’t handle any more).

Flight Moscow Havana
Economy class in Airbus A330-200
Business class in Airbus A330-200
Business class in Airbus A330-200

The in-flight food was very good (probably, some of the best I’ve ever had on any flight). We were served meals twice, with servings of fancy ice cream in between. It was a nice touch. The staff was very polite, patient and even-keeled. When I was having trouble with my earphones, the stewardess brought me three sets of replacements, and checked over the sound system several times, with an obviously genuine desire to help.

The very colorful airport in Havana. Service was decent.

Havana Airport

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Aeroflot - Russian Airlines

Airbus A330-200

Havana Jose Marti International Airport

Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport

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