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Star Peru Reviews

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20 March 2011 12:03:00 Guest

Worst airline in the world. Do not book your tickets with them on their website. We bought our tickets through their website. Our credit cards were charged and their system sent us the e-ticket number and confirmation. However, when we checked in the airport, they just said they can't find us in the system. Funny thing is, they can find the money charge to our credit card. So, they just ignored us for 4 hours no matter how we try to communicate with them. At the end, they said they can only refund us money in 5 business days without any other compensation. We spent additional $200 to get tickets from the other airline on spot. Seriously, do not risk your money and time with this airline even though it looks cheap. If you search in the Lonely Planet Forum. Many people have the same problems. DO NOT TRAVEL WITH THIS AIRLINE!

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