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Smart Wings Reviews

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14 July 2022 12:07:00 MK

How dare you smart wings!!!

First, you're stupid staff member RIPPED UP our boarding passes in front of us at malaga airport, because she DIDN'T KNOW THE LAW. She said to us that we need 3 vaccines to fly to Prague. Which is WRONG WRONG WRONG. The Czech government simply wrote on the website of the ministry of health - YOU MUST HAVE BEEN VACCINATED IN THE LAST 270 DAYS. WHICH WE WERE!

I emailed your compliance department, made a phone call I REQUESTED A TRANSCRIPT. The transcript was NEVER SENT TO ME. Do you think you can break the law? Then I assume once I gave the required information, which clearly stated that WE WERE RIGHT, you stopped replying to our emails, because YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID WAS WRONG. You won't send us the information because you know what your staff members have done will land you in trouble.

Disgusting and absolutely unacceptable. Who do you think you are?

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13 May 2020 12:05:00 Guest

smartwings client scam

Hello i`am writing this e-mail after waiting a lot of time with smart wings company requesting my money back and i would like to let you know how this company is working after having all the right in dealing in a legal business and this is not how it should be ..............

Cancelled flight, no refund within EU-regulations - Review of Smart wings

Airline cancelled flight (I had a booking for 3 persons, about three weeks prior to flight.

The company send me an e-mail regarding the cancellation due to the corona virus and they were supposed to refund me within 7 days but i found my self calling many times after they hear a refund the customer support just hang up the phone on my face Already this is a serious violation on EU-regulation No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of flight cancellations. According to the regulation, airline must reimburse a cancelled flight within seven days from cancellation. More than two weeks after cancellation after many ping pong e-mails asking for my money they send me that e- mail

Dear client,

thank you for your email.

We apologize for that, but unfortunately we can offer you only the voucher. If you would like to claim this procedure you can do that through our contact form on our website

Thank you for understanding and have a nice day.

serious violation of customer's rights.
In other words it is a scam company and the are saying to me now we got your money do what you want but they forget that many companies success because of the good reviews and some of them also can crash, I’m not nervous because i will get my money at the end and i will also not let them play with me.

Please share this reviews so that people can know who is Smart wings airlines

I want my money back

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25 March 2019 12:03:00 Guest

Awful!! Used this airline from Gatwick to Prague, was delayed for over 6 hours! Spent nearly 2 hours at the departure gate!
Have since tried the long road to compensation but impossible to contact them, have tried mailing, emailing and even telephone, no reply!
3 years have passed and I would NEVER use this cheap and nasty airline again! Pay a bit extra and give this one a wide berth!!

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27 February 2018 12:02:00 Guest

Awful. From Gatwick to Prague. Delayed approx three hours. Sat on plane for well over an hour waiting to take off, only offered a small plastic cup of water. Have tried to contact since end of last year.... have called and emailed many times with no reply. I would never use this company again not recommended.

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04 March 2008 12:03:00 Guest

From Prague to Rome with Smartwings. When I booked the flight, the cost was about 70 Euros and the flight was advertised as a non-stop flight. Upon arrival at PRG airport, we found out that the Venice flight had been combined with our flight. This meant an hour flight to Venice, for about an hour on the ground, then another 45 minute flight to FCO!

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