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Orient Thai Airlines Reviews

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All reviews about Orient Thai Airlines

24 May 2009 12:05:00 Richard Jupe

I have just got home after flying with Orient Thai from Phuket. I have now flown four return journeys from Hong Kong to Phuket with Orient Thai and I have just encountered my first (and, hopefully, last), problem with the flight. Upon boarding the plane in Phuket where the temperatures are at their seasonal high, we found out that the Air Conditioning was not working. As I was one of the last on board it was not too much of a problem for me, but a family sat close to me who had a baby about four months old, were frantically fanning him with their Airplane Safety Cards (I knew those things would come in handy one day!!) The cabin crew frequently went up and down the aisles dispensing water to those who wanted it and offering apologies to everyone. We were told that the CPU was to blame and this seemed to placate most passengers. Once we were airborne the A/C came on and everyone cooled down. The food was palatable considering this is a budget airline and the crew were polite and helpful throughout the flight. Orient Thai help me fly direct to Phuket and back instead of having to go via Bangkok on my return journey and the ticket is the cheapest one available. I will be flying Orient Thai again although I wish the peanuts weren't as hard as bullets!

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