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Natureair Reviews

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29 May 2014 12:05:00 Gay

The airplane was great, the pilots exceptional. I bought a one way no stop ticket from Tambor to San Jose airport taking 25 minutes, enough time to check in for my return flight home to San Fransisco. Just before boarding, the pilot told us that we would be making an extra stop. The extra stop added one hour and 20 minutes to our already 25 minute flight. They attempted to land but couldn't due to weather, then landed somewhere else, waited for the call to try to land again, and then returned to the location to land and pick up 9 more passengers. By the time I got to San Jose we had missed our plane. If we had gone from Tambor to San Jose we would have arrived with plenty of time to check in and board. This extra stop by Nature Air cost us another $400 in change fees with Aviancia, and hotel and food cost. Not to mention the disappointment of not being able to return home as planned and the problems that caused. I tried to deal with the company but they continually spoke to issues that were not relevant and never to their error in inserting another location I did not pay for plan for. Poor business practices to say the least.

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