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La Costena Reviews

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03 March 2019 12:03:00 Rita

I would like to report how bad service is given to pelople who have to fly this airline, My experience from Managau to Bonanza recently was a bad experience. First they charge excessive rates with lousy service. Supposedely two flights and never tell you in which flighy you are going.onlt special people. From Bonzana to Managua even worse. I had to wait a whole day to return to Managa, not even tell clients little info favoring employees from HEMCO and leaving people just waitin. Employee in Bonanza were very courteous abd had hand tide. U need to upgrade service, runway, office space. PLEASE TAKE ACTION.

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18 November 2016 12:11:00 Peter Kaegi

Neat airline, expensive, and with a lousy inflexible internet booking system

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