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Air Italy Reviews

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28 December 2019 12:12:00 Valerie Burns

This is the worst airline I'e ever dealt with. They lost my bag in Milan causing me to go to the lost and found office after a long travel. My retreat in Cortona was stressful since I was chasing my bag everyday while I was there. It was lost for 5-days. I had nothing to wear, no toiletries. I then traveled to Florence where I was forced to go to the airport to retrieve my bag. My 1st day in Florence was traveling by 2 buses and a tram to the airport. Air Italy refused to deliver my bag to me after losing it for 5 days and it had been in Milan the whole time. I had to pay for a cab equaling $50 dollars back to my Airbnb. I received an email from financial services telling me I needed to fill out appropriate documents without any instructions, no attachments, nothing. I was traveling in Italy for a month with no access to a computer. On my return home I asked a senior rep from Air Italy how to file a complaint and it took her some doing to figure it out. When I returned I filed attaching all required documents, which had to be scanned. They were 3-weeks late in promised response simply telling me I didn't file within 21 day period. After chasing them for 2-months and no luck getting anyone on the phone, there wasn't one place indicating 21 day filing period. They should've reimbursed me up to $100 a day for each day bag was lost and reimbursement for cab. This has caused me many hours of stress and time! The worst customer care ever!

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