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HOME ⇒ Commercial Aircraft Reviews ⇒ Bombardier CRJ-900

Bombardier CRJ-900 Reviews

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All reviews about Bombardier CRJ-900

15 September 2024 12:09:00 Popo

Terrible thing. Start and landing is super wierd and feels unstable for passangers

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25 August 2019 12:08:00 Guest

Nice aircraft

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23 July 2019 12:07:00 Pete Driscoll

This plane is awesome, as passenger or pilot!

Is this review helpful? Yes 1 / No 4
23 September 2015 12:09:00 Guest

Beautiful and comfortable plane

Is this review helpful? Yes 3 / No 6
11 July 2014 12:07:00 Guest

The CRJ900 is an aircraft equipped with dual wheel landing gear. A single wheel landing gear wouldn't withstand the 25 tonne weight. It's fairly economical to operate in comparison to other RJs, but the Embrear 175 blows it out of the water.

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17 February 2014 12:02:00 Guest

Comfortable plane. Decent leg room. I think Bombardier does a good job on their airplanes.

Is this review helpful? Yes 6 / No 2
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