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HOME ⇒ Commercial Aircraft Reviews ⇒ Schonefeld Airport

Schonefeld Airport Reviews

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All reviews about Schonefeld Airport

01 February 2023 12:02:00 Ausondavr12

Had the experience of using this airport, I liked it all. No complaints about the way my luggage was handled either, all the staff were very polite. After the airport I had a quiet transfer.

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17 December 2016 12:12:00 Guest

Dreadful experience from start to finish. Long narrow corridors with stairs and no lifts or escalators. Train station a very long outside walk. Ticket machines at station impossible to decipher, platforms bleak and exposed. Train about 1/3 normal length and required capacity, over crowding worse than London commuting in rush hour, no spaces for luggage. At departure same problem with stairs, hardly any seating, poor restaurants, access to gate blocked by other passengers. In comparison London Stanstead is travellers’ paradise.

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06 July 2014 12:07:00 Guest

This is the worst airport I had visited! The arrival hall is tiny and crowded, the lines were endless. I had waited in three consecutive security lines for accumulated 1.5 hours. The airport personnel and staff seemed indifferent to the immense inconvenient caused to the passengers.
Shame for the German well known efficiency!

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