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Martinair Reviews

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18 September 2008 12:09:00 Guest

I've been travelling quite some years in "star" class. A good alternative deal for first class. Martinair only had 12 seats the last couple of years before they decided to have a more profitable deal with about 100 "comfort" class seats and eliminate the star class altogether, every seat in that class pays $ 130 more for a round trip. That includes 3" more leg room. There would be free wine/drinks with diner (also limited). That is normal with diner on an intercontinental flight. I have not seen any airline yet without a business class on such a long distance. I think they made a big mistake, even with having only had 12 star class seats. Why not keeping the 12 star class seats (at least) again (minimum), on top of 80 of comfort class seats and keep everyone happy!

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