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10 April 2008 12:04:00 Jeffrey Leong

Edinburgh to Alicante vv in December 2007. Outbound flight time changed but we were given notice several weeks in advance. Only glitch there was their associated connecting coach service in Spain did not reflect the (time) change when we booked the airport transfer service from Alicante airport to Benidorm. We had to incur 5 euros administration charges to make the change later which was really FlyGlobespan's fault. Edinburgh-Alicante quite good, cabin crew friendly, seat pitch on B737 fine, snack menu limited but prices reasonable. Return flight, smaller aircraft (also a B737) seemed to have less pitch and it felt tight. From reading what others here mentioned, if the airline its ground customer service dept to pulls up its sock, eg reply to complaints promptly, keep passengers on the ground informed or assist them if there were delays, etc, this can be a good airline. Or am I too much of an optimist?

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