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Domodedovo Airlines Reviews

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All reviews about Domodedovo Airlines

11 July 2008 12:07:00 J Huang

Moscow to Sakhalin - fly this airline and you will think flying economy class on another airline is like first class. The plane was 5 hours late due to mechanical problems, then we stayed onboard for about an hour on the tarmac, no drinks offered during this time.It was an 8 hour flight and the temperature on the plane was roasting. Smallest legroom I have ever seen. When reclined the seats in front crushed my leg, I had to recline my seat the couple of degrees that was available to be able to have some angle to slide my legs under the seat in front. You would have thought the water was the price of gold as they were reluctant to give any water out and was only offered half a glass of water in 8 hours. Toilets like a pig trough and were not cleaned in the 8 hours. Staff unfriendly not a smile amongst them.

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