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Fokker F27 Reviews

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All reviews about Fokker F27

08 April 2023 12:04:00 Matt Watson

I have memories of flying in this make of aircraft back in the 70s-80s when flying regional. I do believe they were a much better aircraft than the Mc Donnel DC3 with better performance powered with Rolls Royce Dart turboprop engines. However they were quite noisy. Seats were far better with more leg room than some of the smaller planes they use today such as the Jetstream 32 and the SAB 340. Over all a great classic.

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17 January 2016 12:01:00 Max Miller

Some years back I was with Bonanza Airlines in Arizona, USA. I was the purchasing agent supporting the F27 fleet. We had Wilcox radios on the aircraft. Wilcox went out of business and finding parts became difficult. At the time we could still find aircraft parts. Bonanza eventually stepped up to DC9s but for the smaller communities the F27 was still the best. Every now and then I was allowed time in the right seat. Loved it. Beat the heck out of a 172.

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