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HOME ⇒ Commercial Aircraft Reviews ⇒ Evektor EV-55 Outback

Evektor EV-55 Outback Reviews

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All reviews about Evektor EV-55 Outback

05 March 2013 12:03:00 Guest

Comparatively, this plane is better than the CESSNA grand caravan which can seat a maximum of 14 passengers which cost almost 2 million us dollars.. How much does the Evektor EV-55 cost? It is like comparing an eclipse and a cessna mustang

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24 June 2010 12:06:00 Hazel

I work for an air charter company and I've just read through the outback's details and i'm very much impressed. It definitely looks like the kind of plane that would be extremely beneficial to our company. She is definitely a beauty!! We've forwarded this to our MD, so i'm keeping my fingers crossed!!

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